The Intimacy Junkie Posts

March 8, 2018 / / Uncategorized

  Because I’m still loving you. That’s what I was sent to do.   “I did not come to teach you. I came to love you Love will teach you”   Within the…

January 3, 2018 / / Uncategorized

Source:  Metaphysics of The Heart Chakra & Occult Science of Love at First Sight   This lecture resonates with me because the Master Teacher Bobby Hemmitt validated everything I had already pleaded with…

December 28, 2017 / / Reflections

  He’d try to convince me that I fell short and didn’t deliver what was needed.  He constantly reminded me of that. Clearly it was a source of frustration because his tone with…

December 20, 2017 / / Uncategorized

We receive messages through our hair.  It also stores information and energy. For these reasons I am extremely protective of my hair.  I have been known to harshly check people for taking the…

December 7, 2017 / / Musings
October 26, 2017 / / Musings
May 25, 2017 / / Reflections
March 30, 2017 / / Reflections

Some people in our lives are chosen for us.  The Universe reveals them. They are part of the experience that guides us towards our consciousness. Don’t be afraid to be open to receive…

February 19, 2017 / / Reflections

He allowed me to know that the sex had become a distraction.  He had made a decision to revoke the benefits and relegate us to just being friends. All we were to do…

February 15, 2017 / / Poetry

He has judged me by standards of his own I am a budding rose bush not fully grown Though the sun the replenishes me may not emit your rays Where my strong roots…