Divine love and light Beautiful.
I know it’s rather early
’cause I’m conscious of the time.
I’m rising in the Nebt Het hours
with you on my mind.
We really need to connect
as I miss you very much.
Despite what’s been happening,
I know you need my touch
I’d been having trouble sleeping. I sensed that he needed me and my spirit searched for him. I was sent to lighten his darkness, so I love him unapologetically. I love him without fear whether he trusts it or not because my love heals. It is a gift from The Ancestors.
“I am the wombman who lightens the darkness.
I have come forth to lighten the darkness.
IT IS lightened.
I am there for those who weep, who hide their faces and sunk down.
They looked upon me then.
I am a wombman”
-The Papyrus of Ani
I am his healer. A Queen will always hold down a King however he needs her. I am here for him mentally, spiritually, emotionally and even financially through his struggles. He requires extremely high levels of patience, strength, tenderness and forgiveness, that very often leaves me quite drained as a result, but I am committed to powering through this with him. I am not running. I am firmly rooted here, heavily invested in his wellness and growth because I value him. I honor his greatness and appreciate his creativity. He’s an artist and with that comes internal conflicts.
I don’t always get it right and we can be out of alignment at times. I am learning to balance between pushing back and falling back. I challenge him. He needs it but I also recognize that he requires distance sometimes so he’s not provoked. I told him from the beginning my goal was to be good to him and to be good for him. I am able to apologize when I have become an adverse experience. With that said, I will fight with him and I will fight for him, all the battles and through the struggles we encounter along his journey. My message to this King:
“I will love you through your darkness because I am your light.”
Loved this! Thank you for sharing.
Give thanks Sis. I am so glad you connected to the piece. I appreciate your support. Blessed love