The pain before the triumph

As I reflect on the journey leading up to this moment, I shall honor all the pain, the hurt and the struggle that got me here. I don’t just celebrate my wins because I am also grateful for what loss teaches me. I have never cried so much as I have cried these past couple of years. But tears cleanse the soul.

I lost my job in 2019 and was in battle with them for a year. I came into this pandemic already unemployed and war ready. I fought long and hard to win it back. I am still fighting to keep my home. I am still fighting to keep my family financially afloat. I am still fighting for love. Some of my relationships and connections didn’t survive. They became casualties even though I fought just as hard for them too, knowing it was long past their expiration date. I did the best I could, but now I am tired and overwhelmed.

To The Men That I Still Love,

I release you and free myself in the spirit of love and forgiveness. I honor the time that once was, but when a relationship is no longer in service to the highest good, it is time to move on. I chose to love you through your darkness and pain despite my own, however, I must now fully committ to pouring into myself, the way I tried to do for you. May you discover peace and balance.

I Wrote A Letter To Myself-Sacred Woman Medicine Song

I am determined to continue to fight these battles with dignity and grace. I shall always keep my crown on straight. I will remain poised because I still have to show up and be present for others who need me and hold space for them. I am determined to turn this pain to purpose. I am still committed to LOVE

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Sesheta Khepra Written by:

Sesheta Khepra’s purpose is to be a vessel, a healer for her family/village/community. She wants to share the lessons she has learned as she continues to grow. She tries to administer healing words with love. She uses her writing to encourage people to be their most authentic self, to heal herself and others. Her goal is to influence, to inspire her circle to be open and connect. She contributes by sharing the most intimate parts of herself; by being vulnerable and transparent. She offers herself as service to those around her. When she has a peak experience she is appreciative, reverential, connected, available and in the moment. She is balanced and peaceful. Her heroines are Queen Afua and Oprah Winfrey. In a best friend she looks for sincerity, sense of humor, someone with the ability to hold her accountable and provide her guidance. She feels her unique skill is using words and sounds to make people feel deeply. Her best qualities in personal relationships are forgiveness, patience and tenderness.

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