You hurt me!
Just because I tolerated you, doesn’t mean I liked what you were doing to me.
Just because I am forgiving you, doesn’t mean I enjoyed the pain.
Just because I’ve made excuses for you, doesn’t mean I didn’t mind what was happening.
You disappointed me!
You treated me in ways that often left me confused and hurt
I am not in the habit of accepting apologies for major violations.  Instead I would prefer that you just grow as a person. That would better serve us both.  You don’t need to acknowledge your error for me. You should do that for yourself, but still I forgive you.
Personal accountability is the catalyst for development.  I shall gain satisfaction from bearing witness to your evolution. You can keep the “I’m sorry”, but still I forgive you.
So I had an aha moment.  No longer was I disappointed at the lack of loyalty that exists and violations of trust. People in the pursuit of happiness are catering to their own interests and needs, which may not always be compatible with my expectations. And that is fine. I wish them all happiness. You don’t have to be loyal to me and my interests. Be loyal to yourself…that’s what I want for you. It doesn’t matter whether I feel the cause is worthy or not, it only has to be to you. I can forgive. You have your reasons and it only needs to make sense to you. I am over it with no hard feelings.