Tag: Fear

January 31, 2021 / / Uncategorized

Lately, I’ve been feeling so uncertain.  I wanted his reassurance.  Faced with a challenge, I needed to know that we were still walking this journey together. “I can’t do this by myself. I…

August 10, 2018 / / Reflections
January 3, 2018 / / Uncategorized

Source:  Metaphysics of The Heart Chakra & Occult Science of Love at First Sight   This lecture resonates with me because the Master Teacher Bobby Hemmitt validated everything I had already pleaded with…

December 20, 2017 / / Uncategorized

We receive messages through our hair.  It also stores information and energy. For these reasons I am extremely protective of my hair.  I have been known to harshly check people for taking the…

December 7, 2017 / / Musings