Tag: Soul

January 3, 2018 / / Uncategorized

Source:  Metaphysics of The Heart Chakra & Occult Science of Love at First Sight   This lecture resonates with me because the Master Teacher Bobby Hemmitt validated everything I had already pleaded with…

December 7, 2017 / / Musings
May 25, 2017 / / Reflections
February 14, 2017 / / Musings

I finally finished watching Insecure for the eleventeenth time, but this time I was taking notes. I have been in many discussion groups and conversations about this HBO series and I have found…

February 7, 2017 / / Poetry

I suppose now is the time I have to admit that you were right. During our most intimate moments, I fought way too many fights. Instead I should have, surrendered to the moment, submitted…