I am a Sacred Woman, the Divine Feminine. All that is glorious is born within me. It is my duty to teach. So before I die, I must leave behind my legacy of wisdom
Every person has a spiritual awakening at some point in their life. For some of us it’s been a long time coming. We are no longer satisfied with our selves and the things that surround us. Inexcusable behaviors are no longer acceptable. They will not be tolerated from our self or those we love the most. It becomes time for a change, only beginning with that which we have control over… WITHIN. We embrace adulthood and stop blaming others for our miseries and take responsibility for achievement of our own happiness and success. We understand that life is not a popularity contest, but an art that must be soulfully and spiritually crafted with respect to all. Boundaries are drawn, as well as the adoption of a value system containing tenets and principles that will not be contaminated by others’ ideologies nor their social slackness. We have freed our soul and only now can we TRULY be happy.
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