Tag: Disappointment

July 18, 2021 / / Uncategorized

As I reflect on the journey leading up to this moment, I shall honor all the pain, the hurt and the struggle that got me here. I don’t just celebrate my wins because…

June 27, 2020 / / Reflections

I wish I could say that I am not hurting. I still am. I haven’t gotten over all the things he did to me.  Knowing that it was unintentional doesn’t make this any…

December 28, 2017 / / Reflections

  He’d try to convince me that I fell short and didn’t deliver what was needed.  He constantly reminded me of that. Clearly it was a source of frustration because his tone with…

May 25, 2017 / / Reflections
February 15, 2017 / / Poetry

He has judged me by standards of his own I am a budding rose bush not fully grown Though the sun the replenishes me may not emit your rays Where my strong roots…